Targeted Teacher CPD

We are delighted to share with you a brand-new initiative from the Stevenage Sporting Futures Team.

What is the initiative?

The Targeted Teacher CPD initiative is a one-off or set of specific lessons that the Stevenage Sporting Futures Team will support to upskill primary school teachers in delivering a particular sport or format. For example, but not limited to, how to structure invasion game activities, how to structure a Dance lesson which is appropriate for all or how to engage all students in a particular lesson. This is an opportunity for primary school teachers to work alongside one of the SSFT to upskill their existing knowledge, potentially on a new area of Physical Education they are not experienced with.


How can my school get involved?

Partner primary schools can book now, via Connor Moran:


If you have any questions or queries on this initiative, please do not hesitate to contact Elliot.

Children and staff were inspired during the Year 4 Gymnastics lessons the Stevenage Sporting Futures Team delivered.

Almond Hill Junior School

Clear, targeted CPD to meet our needs based on initial discussion and not just an ‘off the shelf’ training package – this was much appreciated!

Fairlands Primary School