U11 Table Tennis

Thomas Alleyne Academy , United Kingdom

This is a competition for Year 5/6 Boys & Year 5/6 Girls  (Separate events). Teams consist of 4 players who will be seeded 1-4 and play singles matches.


Year 5/6 Dodgeball

Barnwell Community Leisure Centre Barnwell Upper School, Barnwell , Stevenage , Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Even though this event is after school, unfortunately no spectators will be allowed inside the building for the event. Teams must arrive by 2.45pm to avoid getting stuck in traffic on the approach to Barnwell school at pick up time please. If parents are dropping off, please ensure your member of staff is onsite at […]


Year 3 & 4 Boccia

The Barclay Academy Walkern Road, Stevenage, United Kingdom

Both age groups can bring 6 players (3 Boys and 3 girls) Enspire and Engage: The Year 3 event will be 'How to play' followed by some fun games. All participants will receive a participation certificate and ribbon. Aspire and Develop: The Year 4 event will be 'How to play' followed by competitive matches. All […]


KS1 Balance Festival

Barnwell Community Leisure Centre Barnwell Upper School, Barnwell , Stevenage , Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

This event is for a team of 6 children, 3 Boys and 3 Girls in KS1. It is a Personal challenge participation only event and not a competition for children in KS1. We have specified Gifted and Talented but you are free to bring the children who would most benefit from the experience in a […]


Year 3 and 4 Virtual Speed Stacking

VIRTUAL Stevenage, United Kingdom

This event is for all children in Years 3 and 4. Please read the following information for details of the event which will initially be a virtual event delivered by yourselves in school. This can be a task for your sports crews to run for you if you wish. Once you have determined your teams […]


KS1 Rapid Fire Cricket

Barnwell Community Leisure Centre Barnwell Upper School, Barnwell , Stevenage , Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Teams of 8 players in KS1, must be 4 Girls and 4 Boys. Bat in pairs, 6 balls per pair (3 balls per player). If a ball goes through the 'Gates', players will score an extra 4 points. Accuracy and aim is very important for a high score. Once all 6 balls have been struck, […]


KS1 Rapid Fire Cricket (Infant schools only bookings)

Barnwell Community Leisure Centre Barnwell Upper School, Barnwell , Stevenage , Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Teams of 8 players in KS1, must be 4 Girls and 4 Boys. Bat in pairs, 6 balls per pair (3 balls per player). If a ball goes through the 'Gates', players will score an extra 4 points. Accuracy and aim is very important for a high score. Once all 6 balls have been struck, […]


KS2 Rapid Fire Cricket (AM Large schools/PM Small schools)

Barnwell Community Leisure Centre Barnwell Upper School, Barnwell , Stevenage , Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

AM = Large School Session - 9am - 11.30pm PM = Small School Session - 12.15pm - 1.45pm Teams of 8 players in Lower KS2 (Year 3/4), must be 4 Girls and 4 Boys, 6 players in any game. Bat in pairs, 6 balls per pair (3 balls per player). If a ball goes through […]


Year 5 Handball

Barnwell Community Leisure Centre Barnwell Upper School, Barnwell , Stevenage , Hertfordshire, United Kingdom



KS1 SEND Speed Stacking

TBA TBA, TBA, Herts, United Kingdom

This event is for any SEND children in Years 1 and 2 in teams of approximately 4 children. The children will participate in various stations of fun Speed Stacking activities and will not be in a competition format. Everyone will receive a small participation certificate and a ribbon bookmark. The following information is here if […]
