Year 5 Girls, Year 6 Girls and the Mixed tournament will all be taking place at this event. Please book separate tickets for each team you wish to enter.
Players may only play for 1 team at the tournament. Please ensure a member of staff and umpire is in attendance for each team you have entered as they could be playing at the same time.
England Netball rules will apply for all matches. A size 5 Netball must be used (and will be provided).
Posts will have the ring set at 10ft as per 7 a side rules.
Netball bibs must be worn, long hair tied back, no jewellery and suitable footwear.
Staff will umpire their own matches and please be mindful of those that are less experienced.
Good sporting behaviour will be expected at all times from everyone taking part.
Parents will not be permitted on site until after 4pm when the Marriotts students have left for the day and must watch from outside the fenced playing area please.
There is no smoking on site and no dogs allowed.
Fixtures will be given to schools upon arrival and Medals and trophies will also be awarded for the Netball League.