Dance Festival - Report from Dance Festival 2022

Dancing through the decades on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th July.

On Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th July, the Stevenage Sporting Futures Team hosted the School’s Dance Festival at the Gordon Craig Theatre.

Children from primary schools in Stevenage and surrounding areas celebrate the schools hard work throughout the academic year after the original February date was postponed. Children had a variety of different styles of dance and schools have been “dancing through the decades” to show a variety of dances.

Over the 2 days 370 Primary and Secondary Children took part from 17 different primary schools to show off their dances to members of the public across 4 performances.

The event was aimed to inspire children to take part in dance who would not regularly take part in physical activity or children who have not previously had the opportunity to dance in front of a big audience to further inspire them to participate in dance further after the festival.

Adam Baker, Dance Festival Co-ordinator for the Stevenage Sporting Futures Team said, “The children have had a fantastic opportunity to showcase their dance across 2 different days. It has been great to see so many children work together and participate in this festival.”

The Stevenage Sporting Futures Team would like to thank Sporting Futures Training and the apprentices (with a special mention to Freddie Fenwick who presented), Craig from Rewind Media, Leanne Hymes and Stephen Sapsed for their fantastic finale dance routine, All the school teachers and the children of the Local primary schools who made the festival possible.

The SSFT Dance Festival 2022 also featured in the local press – The Comet newspaper. Read the article by clicking here.